Creating a Product Sheet Template

How to create a price sheet from scratch in Plytix PIM

In Plytix, you can create product sheets, sell sheets, and product catalogs in a matter of minutes. Simply design a line sheet template and Plytix will automatically populate it with the attributes you choose. This means no more manually adding and editing product information. Just select products from a brand portal and export. This article will provide a step-by-step guide on how to create, design, and add products to your product sheets.


  1. Create a new Product Sheet template
  2. Add attributes you want to use
  3. Customize the attribute for output
  4. Design the layout
  5. Preview your Product Sheet


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ℹ️  To create a Product Sheet in Plytix, you must have a Standard or PRO account, or an active trial account


Creating a Product Sheet template

To create a new Product Sheet template in Plytix: 

  1. Click on 'Product Sheets' in the top navigation menu. 
  2. Click on 'Create a Product Sheet.'
  3. Name your new Product Sheet template and click 'Create.' You will be taken directly to the Product Sheet detail page


Adding attributes to include in your Product Sheet

By default, product sheet templates contain the "SKU" and "Thumbnail" attributes. Add the attributes for any other information you may want to include to make them available as components within the designer.

To do this: 

  1. Click 'Add attributes' in the Product Sheet detail page.
  2. Choose the user attributes you want to include from the "Available attributes" section.
  3. These will appear in the "Selected attributes" section. 
  4. To create a computed attribute, click on '+ New computed attribute' under "Selected attributes" and name the new computed attribute.
  5. After selecting the attributes you want, click 'Add attributes'
  6. Back in the template detail page click 'Save changes.'


Customizing attributes for output

From the template detail page, you can change the output label name and format of attributes. This lets you personalize your sheet for different customers or stakeholders.


For example: 

  • An attribute in your PIM is called Label, but the channel you are syndicating to requires it to be called Handle, simply change the output name from "Label" to "Handle." 
  • Decimals in your PIM use a period separator but your clients use a comma: customize the decimal separator and precision by clicking on the 'Settings' icon
  • You want to combine two attributes: use a computed attribute to concatenate the two attributes


To change output label

  1. Click on the output label you want to change.
  2. Type in the new label name.
  3. Press enter on your keyboard (clicking on the page will NOT save the new name).
  4. Click 'Save changes' at the top of the page.


To format an attribute: 

  1. Hover over the attribute you want to format.
  2. Click on the settings icon that appears all the way to the right:  setting icon-png  (This icon will only appear for attributes that can be formatted).
  3. Define the format settings and click 'Okay,' or 'Test and Apply' for computed attributes


ℹ️  Before formatting a Computed Attribute for the first time, take a look at our Formula Cheat Sheet and Guide, or check out the operations available and how to use them.  

Designing your template 

Designing your template is the most important part of creating Product Sheets because it defines how products and attributes will be displayed. You can add images, descriptions, titles and more. You can also adjust the branding elements of your product sheet to match your company branding. 

To design your product sheet, click 'Designer' on the top-right corner of the template detail page.


In the Product Sheet designer: 

  1. Define your document settings (page size, orientation).
  2. Drag and drop components to change how your products are displayed (position of products and attributes).
  3. Define your Product Sheet layout (columns, products per page, etc.).
  4. Create static pages (title pages, informative pages, front and back cover).
  5. Add a header.
  6. Add a footer.



⚠️  We recommend defining the document settings first so your preview will reflect the space and orientation you choose. Changing this later can result in loss of content. 


Preview your Product Sheet during design

While designing your Product Sheet you can preview how it will look on export by:

  1. Clicking 'Change' on the top-right corner of the designer. 
  2. Choose one of your products to view.
  3. Click 'Select product.'

This shows you how the product sheet will look when the given product is exported. 


What's next? 


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