Changing Product Page Settings - Product Sheet Designer

How to choose and arrange the information displayed on Product Sheets

Product page settings allow you to customize how your finished product sheet will look. Within the Product page settings is the "Products" section. Here is where you can add components to choose which information to include and the order in which it appears.  


Components overview

Adding components

Reordering components

Deleting components 


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Components Overview

To change Product Sheet settings, navigate to the 'Product Sheets' tab of the main menu and click on the product sheet you'd like to edit. Or click the 'Create a Product Sheet' button to start a new product sheet. From the 'Attributes' tab of your product sheet, click the purple 'Designer' button.

Change product sheet setting by adding, removing, or editing components within the designer


Once inside the Designer, you'll see Product displays are made by adding different component types. You can add unlimited components, but be mindful of the space you have available for different layouts.

choose components under the products tab to select what information appears on a product sheet

💡 Learn more about each type of component in these articles:


Adding New Components

To add new components to your template:

  1. Click the ' + Add' button on the top right corner of the Components section.
  2. Give the component a name (This is used to identify the component in the list; you can change this later if desired).
  3. Choose the type of component you want to add.
  4. Click the purple 'Add' button.

add images to your product sheet by selecting a gallery component

You will then be taken to the editor for the component you have chosen.

After editing the component, you can always return to the editor by hovering over the component and clicking the pencil icon that appears. 

to return to the editor, click the pencil icon on the component you want to edit

Reordering Components

The order of components in the list is how they will appear in the Preview. To change the order, simply drag and drop the component to the place you would like it. 

components can be reordered by dragging and dropping

Deleting Components

To delete a component, hover over the component you want to delete and click the trash can icon.

a component can be deleted by clicking the purple trash can icon

⚠️ Deleting components cannot be undone once you click 'Save Changes'.



What's Next?

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