IF Operation

How to use the IF operation to set up conditional formulas with Computed Attributes



Syntax Guide

Formula in Use


The IF operation returns a value based on a set of conditions.


IF(EQ(1, 1), ‘equal’, ‘different’)


Syntax Guide

IF(logical_expression, value_if_true, value_if_false)

logical_expression - An expression that represents some logical value, i.e. TRUE or FALSE

value_if_true - The value the function returns if logical_expression is TRUE

value_if_false - [ OPTIONAL - blank by default ] - The value the function returns if logical_expression is FALSE

Formulas In Use

Conditional Brand Insertion

Searches a string and checks if it contains the value from another attribute. If it does, then it returns the original string, if it doesn't it concatenates it with the value from the second attribute.


If brand is "Nitro" and the description is "Snowboard for kids" it will insert in in front of the description so it becomes "Nitro snowboard for kids"

If the brand is "Nitro" and the description is "Snowboard for kids from Nitro" it will do nothing and use the description as it is (because it already contains the word "Nitro").




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