Defining the Format for NDJSON Channels

How to configure the format of a NDJSON feed in Plytix

In Plytix, you can create NDJSON feeds without resorting to code. Our NDJSON channel builder helps you set up feeds for different vendors and partners. In this article, we will show you how to define the data format for NDJSON channels in Plytix.

NDJSON Channel Format Tab

Attribute Fill Values


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⚠️ Please refer to the documentation of the feed consumer to get blueprints on how to build your feed template. Example feeds are super helpful when building your feeds in Plytix.


NDJSON Channel Format Tab


Define how to format the output of your channel from the "Format" tab of the channel details page.

Here you can decide in which order your products should be listed. Define if you want parents or variations to come first. 


ℹ️ Due to the nature of NDJSON, it is not possible to change the order of attributes within a NDJSON channel. 


Attribute Fill Values

You can also choose if you want to include data only for parent products, product variations, or both on an attribute level.


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