Mapping BigCommerce Fields

A guide to mapping your Plytix attributes with BigCommerce fields

With Plytix you can create and update products in your BigCommerce store without the need to manually import a file into your BigCommerce account. Make sure all your information is up to date by simply matching the BigCommerce fields with your Plytix attributes. In this article you will learn what each BigCommerce field is and how to map them with your Plytix attributes.


ℹ️ If you'd like to get access to Plytix's BigCommerce channel, please contact your Account Manager.


Basic Product Information

Product Categories

Product Identifiers

Pricing, Purchasing and Inventory Options

Storefront and SEO Details

Variant Options


*Skip to any section in this article by clicking on the links above

Basic Product Information


This section contains the basic information of the products you are creating in your BigCommerce store. The required fields are highlighted in this article and have a * sign next to them in your Plytix channel.


BigCommerce Field


Mapping Suggestions

Product Name*

(required field)

The title of your product. Must be unique to each product.

Maximum length: 255 characters

Example: Glass Fish Bowl

Match it with a text attribute.

Product Type*

(required field)

Can either be physical (for a physical stock unit) or digital (for a digital download).

Accepted values: physical or digital (must be lowercase)

Example: physical

Match it with a text or Dropdown attribute.


(required field)

Your default product price. It should either include or exclude tax, based on your store’s settings.

Note: If using decimals, make sure the decimal separator is a period, not a comma. 

Example: 15.99

Match it with an Integer or Decimal attribute.


Your product or manufacturer brand.
If a brand does not exist, a blank one is created automatically.

Maximum length: 250 characters

Example: Nike

Must be in text format, so make sure to match it with a text attribute.


The product description.

Example: Everyday wear t-shirt, available in three color options.

Match it with a text attribute.


Required for creating physical products.
Example: 1.5

Match it with an Integer or Decimal attribute.

Note: Do not include units.


Your product image gallery.

Match it with a Media Gallery attribute.

Variant Image

Your variant’s main image.

Match it with a single media attribute.


Video ID.

When uploading a video from YouTube, the video ID is located right after the "v=" in your video URL.

Match it with a short text attribute.


Product Categories

This is where you include your product taxonomy.


BigCommerce Field


Mapping Suggestions


Product categories for your connected storefront.

This can only be matched with the “Categories” system attribute


Product Identifiers

Different ways to identify your products in your store.


BigCommerce Field


Mapping Suggestions



Your product’s unique identifier. Required for products with variants.

Maximum length: 255 characters.

Match with your Plytix SKU or other unique attribute.


Manufacturer Part Number

Match it with a Text or Integer attribute.


Universal Product Code/European Article Number

Maximum length: 32 characters.

Match it with a Short Text or Integer attribute. 


The Global Trade Item Number

Match it with a Text or Integer attribute type


Bin Picking Number

Maximum length: 255 characters

Match it with a Text or Integer attribute. 


Pricing, Purchasing and Inventory Options

Information about your products’ selling prices, costs, and available purchasing and tracking options.


BigCommerce Field


Mapping Suggestions

Cost Price

The cost price of the product. Stored for reference only; it is not used or displayed anywhere on the store.

Note: Do not include units. Use a period as the decimal separator.

Example: 20.99

Match it with an Integer or Decimal attribute. 

Sales Price

Replaces the base price, if defined
Note: Do not include units. Use a period as the decimal separator.

Example: 25.99

Match it with an Integer or Decimal attribute. 


Retail price. If entered, it will appear next to your Sales price. 

Example: 32.99

Match it with an Integer or Decimal attribute. 

Tax Class

The tax applied to a product.

Maximum length: 255 characters

Example: Default Tax Class

Match it with a Short Text or Dropdown attribute. 

Product Tax Code

The product's unique tax ID; use only if you have automatic tax calculation enabled.

Maximum length: 35 characters 

Example: 53927

Match it with an Integer attribute.

Shipping Price

Your product’s shipping cost.

Example: 5.99 

Match it with an Integer or Decimal attribute.

Free Shipping

Accepted values: true, false

Overwrites any fixed value for the shipping price if set to true.

Match it with a boolean attribute.


Your product's width for calculating shipping.

Example: 2.3

Match it with an Integer or Decimal attribute. 


Your product's height for calculating shipping.

Example: 1.5

Match it with an Integer or Decimal attribute. 


Your product's depth for calculating shipping.

Example: 0.3

Match it with an Integer or Decimal attribute.


Accepted values: available, disabled, preorder (must be lowercase)

Match it with a Dropdown attribute. 

Availability Text

Availability text displayed on the checkout page, under the product title. It tells the customer how long it will normally take to ship this product.

Maximum length: 255 characters

Example: Usually ships in 24 hours

Match it with a Text attribute. 

Preorder Only

Only match this field if you want to enable pre-order only for your products

Match it with a boolean attribute.

Preorder Release Date

Date format: YYYY-MM-DD

Example: 2024-04-15

Match it with a Date attribute. 

Preorder Message

Message shown when a release date has been specified for a product in pre-order

Maximum length: 255 characters

Example: This item is available for preorder until its release date. 

Match it with a Text pr HTML attribute.

Min Order Quantity

The minimum quantity an order must contain, to be eligible to purchase this product.

Example: 3

Match it with an Integer attribute.

Max Order Quantity

The maximum quantity an order can contain when purchasing the product.

Example: 10

Match it with an Integer attribute. 

Purchasing Disabled

This setting applies to product variants. If true, this variant will not be purchasable on the storefront.

Accepted values: true, false 

Match it with a Boolean attribute. 

Call for Pricing

Custom information for products with disabled purchasing.

Example: This item is only available for purchase upon customized order. Please contact our Help Desk for more information.

Match it with a Text attribute.

Price Hidden

False by default, indicating that this product's price should be shown on the product page. If set to true, the price is hidden

If the price is hidden, the "Availability" field must be disabled.

Accepted values: true, false

Match with a Boolean attribute. 


Your product’s condition.

Accepted values: New, Used, Refurbished

Example: New

Match it with a Dropdown attribute 

Show Condition

Used to determine whether the product condition is shown to the customer on the product page.

Accepted values: true, false

Match with a Boolean attribute. 

Inventory Tracking

The type of inventory tracking for the product. 

Accepted values: product, variant, none

Example: variant

Match it with a Dropdown attribute. 

Inventory Level

Current inventory level of the product. 

Example: 430

Match it with an Integer attribute. 

Inventory Warning Level

Inventory warning level for the product. When the product's inventory level drops below the warning level, the store owner will be informed.

Example: 100

Match it with an Integer attribute. 


ℹ️ When using decimals for your price fields, do not include more than two decimal places. Any prices should be limited to two decimal places and use a period as the decimal separator: i.e. 5.99


Storefront and SEO details

Customize some aspects of how your products will be displayed as well as search engine fields. 


BigCommerce Field


Mapping Suggestions


Display or hide products from customers in your store.

Accepted values: true, false

Match it with a Boolean attribute.

Featured Product

Set as a featured product on your storefront.

Accepted values: true, false

Match it with a Boolean attribute.

Search Keywords

Comma-separated keywords for your store's search.

Example: t-shirt, unisex, plytix

Match with a Multiselect attribute.


Warranty information displayed on the product page. Can include HTML formatting.

Example: This product includes free warranty and returns for the first 2 years. 

Match with a Text or HTML attribute. 

Sort Order

Priority to give this product when included in product lists on category pages and in search results. Lower integers will place the product closer to the top of the results.

Example: 5

Match it with an Integer attribute type because it must be a whole number.


Custom product URL on the storefront.
Maximum limit: 200 characters

If this is not mapped, BigCommerce will automatically generate a URL.

Match it with a Short Text, HTML, or URL attribute. 

Page Title

Your product's page title. This overrides the product name, if defined.

Maximum limit: 255 characters

Example: New Collection, T-Shirts

Match it with a Short Text attribute. 

Meta Description

Custom meta description for the product page

Example: The latest releases of Plytix’s t-shirt line. 

Match it with a Text or HTML attribute. 

Meta Keywords

A comma-separated list of custom meta keywords for the product page. If not defined, the store's default keywords will be used.

Match it with a Multiselect attribute.


Variant Options

Add information about your variant options to create variant products in your store.


BigCommerce Field


Mapping Suggestions

Option Name 1

Mandatory for products with 1 or more options

Maximum length: 255 characters

Example: Size

Match with a text attribute. 

Option Value 1

Mandatory for products with 1 or more options

Maximum length: 255 characters

Example: Small

Match it with a text or dropdown attribute.

Option Default 1

The variant default option that the user will land on when they click on your product.

Example: Large

This field should be at a parent level.

For example, if my options vary based on size and I want the default size to be "Large," this is the "Option Default 1" I should send on the parent product

Option Type 1

Type of element representing the option on the storefront.

Accepted values: radio_buttons, rectangles, dropdown, swatch

Match with a text, HTML, or or dropdown attribute. 

Option Swatch 1

Accepted formats: Up to 3 hex color codes (comma-separated) or an image URL

Match with a text, paragraph, HTML or URL attribute. 

Option Name / Option Value / Option Type / Option Swatch:

To send variant products, you must specify your variant options by filling out the following fields:

  • Option Name
  • Option Value
  • Option Type
  • Option Swatch (optional)

⚠️ If you are sending parent and variant products, make sure Option Name and Option Type fields are defined on a parent level and Option Value fields are defined for all variants.


These Options are referring to the options that your variants carry. For example, your variant options vary by color, size, and weight. In this case, they would be considered three variant option fields

In Plytix’s BigCommerce integration, you can add up to five variant field options.


⚠️ If you are sending single products, make sure that none of the option fields carry any values.



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