Creating and Managing Product Attribute Groups

Learn what product attribute groups are, and how to create and manage them in Plytix

Whether you have 20 or 20,000 Attributes in your PIM account, Attribute groups can make it easier to find, edit, and keep your product information up to date. In this article, we will show you where you can create, edit, and delete your product attribute groups. 



ℹ️ To create product attribute groups you must first create Product Attributes


Creating Attribute Groups

Adding Attributes to Groups in Bulk

Managing Attribute Groups

Editing Attribute Groups

Cloning Attribute Groups

Deleting Attribute Groups 


*Skip to any section in this article by clicking on the links above


Creating Attribute Groups

To create an attribute group:

  1. Navigate to 'Settings' in the top menu.
  2. The Settings area will automatically open in 'Product Attributes.' Click on the tab to the right called 'Groups.'
  3. Click on the '+ Add group' button.5
  4. Name the group (you can change this later) and click 'Next.' 6
  5. Choose from attributes under "Available attributes." Chosen attributes will then appear on the right under "Selected attributes."7

ℹ️ Please note that only custom attributes can be added to attribute groups.


6. To sort the attributes drag and drop them in the order you'd like. You can also delete attributes by clicking the X to the right of that attribute's name.8
7. When you are happy with the selection, click 'Add group.'

You've now created a new attribute group.


ℹ️  New groups will go to the bottom of the 'Groups' list. You can drag and drop the group to sort it in the order you'd like. 


Adding Attributes to Groups in Bulk 

  1. To add attributes to one or more existing Attribute Groups in bulk, first navigate to the Settings area. settings-tab
  2. Next, select the attributes you'd like to add to a group and click 'Add to groups.' 


3. Select the groups to which you want to add attributes in the "Name" column. You can view which attributes are included in each group by hovering over the quantity of attributes in the group in the "Attributes" column. 3
  1. Click 'Save.'


Managing Attribute Groups

To rename an Attribute Group, click the name, make changes and hit the enter key.


Editing an attribute group

To edit an Attribute Group, click on the '...' button, then select 'Edit Group.'9

Here you can: 

  1. Add attributes to this group from available attributes.
  2. Delete attributes you have selected from this group.
  3. Change the order of the attributes selected.



Cloning an Attribute Group

To clone an Attribute Group, click on the '...' button, then select 'Duplicate.'


💡 Cloning your group saves time when you need to create a new group similar to one you already have. 


Deleting an Attribute Group

To delete an Attribute Group, click on the '...' button, then select 'Delete.'


⚠️  Be very careful when deleting an attribute group as this cannot be undone. 


What's next?

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