How to edit product information at an attribute level in Plytix
Product Attributes are the properties or fields that allows you to assign values to your products (e.g. Color, Brand, Description, etc.). This helps you build out your specifications and other rich content. In this article, we will show you the different ways you can edit and update your product information at an attribute level.
Editing Attributes from the Product Overview
Edit Attributes from the Product Detail Page
ℹ️ If you don't know how to create attributes, learn how to import them or create them directly within Plytix.
💡 This article explains how to edit attribute values inside Plytix, but you can also make attribute updates via import.
Editing Attributes from the Product Overview
There are a few ways you can edit product attributes from the Product Overview. You can either perform a bulk editing action or edit attributes in-table.
Bulk Editing
If you need to update multiple products at the same time, this is the best way to do this. So when you are on the Product Overview page:
- Choose between "Parents View" or "Variants View"
- Select the products you want to edit
- Click the "Edit" button that appears above the table
3. Choose up to 3 different attributes to edit and input the new values
4. Click "Save"
ℹ️ When editing Multiselect Attributes, you will be able to define whether you want to replace, remove, or add any options.
ℹ️ Learn more about bulk editing options here.
In-table Editing
The Product Overview also has in-table editing enabled so that you can work faster. This is great for on-the-fly changes. Almost all attribute types can be updated in the table with the exception of media attributes.
To do in-table editing:
- Go to the product you want to edit
- Find the attribute you want to change and click on the table
- Make the changes to the attribute
- Click "Enter" on your keyboard to save changes
💡 If you are editing any longer piece of content from within the Table View you can stretch the editing box by simply expanding the column width so that working from within the Table View is made easy.
You can edit an attribute by hovering over its name and clicking on the arrow highlighted below. This will open a modal to configure your attribute settings without having to leave the page.
For multiselect and dropdown attributes, you can also search existing options and create new ones by just clicking on the attribute value directly in the cell.
For multiselect attributes, click on the "+" sign next to the attribute value. For dropdown attributes, simply type in the attribute you'd like to search for/ create and press "enter" in your keyboard.
Editing Attributes from the Product Detail Page
Of course, you can also enter into a single product to edit the attributes of that product.
To do this:
- Find the product you want to edit in the Product Overview and click on the SKU to enter into the Product Detail View
- From this view you can browse through attributes by selecting your custom view of 'Attribute Groups' on the top.
- To edit an attribute, click on the pencil icon that shows up when hovering over an attribute to enable editing.
⚠️ Note that if you are editing a variant's inherited attribute, any updated value will overwrite the value inherited from the parent. If you have overwritten an inherited attribute, you can resync it to match the attribute value at a parent-level.
4. Make the changes you want, then either press the enter key on your keyboard or click on the checkmark icon to temporarily save while you make other changes.
5. Click 'Save Changes' at the top left to apply and save changes permanently.
💡 Find attributes quickly by using the attribute search bar.
💡 Choose a two-column layout to see different attribute groups side-by-side to help improve translation and enrichment inputs.
What's next?
- Learn more about attribute types
- Learn how to arrange attributes in groups
- Learn about Attribute Transformations
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