Editing Products in Bulk

How to edit attributes, categories, or relationships across multiple products at once, or find and replace values in text attributes.

The easiest and quickest way to update information across multiple products is to edit them in bulk. You can bulk edit information directly from the product overview table or by importing a spreadsheet.  


Editing via Import 

Editing from the Product Overview Page

Editing Attributes

Editing Categories

Editing Relationships

Editing through Find and Replace


*Skip to any section in this article by clicking on the links above


Editing via Import 

To bulk edit products via import using a spreadsheet, follow the import instructions.

Remember to:

  • Include a column with the product SKU.
  • Include a column for each attribute you want to change or update.
  • Define how to read data during the matching process (e.g. whether to add, overwrite, or erase information). 

Editing from the Product Overview Table

You can also edit products in bulk directly in Plytix. You can either edit all products or select products within a product family.

Editing All Products

Select "All Products" in the Product Overview page. Then, switch between "Parents View" and "Variants View" to edit either only parents or only variants.


To bulk edit products from the Product Overview table: 

1. Click on the 'Products' tab in the top navigation menu

2. Select 'All products' from the dropdown or choose a Product Family

3. In the table, select the products you want to edit

💡 Use filters to narrow down your selection


4. Click the 'Edit' button that appears above the table



From here a window will appear that allows you to choose whether to edit attributes,  categories, or relationships.

The 'Attributes' option is selected by default. You may also edit 'Categories', 'Relationships' or use the 'Find & Replace' action.

Editing Attributes

To edit attributes:

1. Click on "Attributes"

2. Select the attribute you want to edit

3. Select or insert the new value you want to assign to this attribute

4. Click 'Save'


ℹ️  You can bulk edit up to 3 attributes at the same time.


💡 You can delete values from attributes in bulk. For this you simply have to select the option 'Erase content and leave empty'


ℹ️ When editing multiselect attributes in bulk, you have the option of replacing, removing or adding options.

Editing Categories

To edit categories:

  1. Click 'Edit' and choose the 'Categories' option at the top
  2. Select the action you want to perform: 'Add', 'Replace', or 'Remove'.
  3. Select the categories you want to add, replace or remove.
  4. Click 'Save'.


ℹ️  You may only complete one action (add, remove, replace) at a time.


Editing Relationships

To edit a relationship:

  1. Click 'Edit' and choose the 'Relationships' option at the top
  2. Select the action you want to complete: "Add" or "Remove" a relationship.
  3. Select the relationship you would like to edit.
  4. Click 'Next'.
  5. Select the product from which you want to add or remove the association.
  6. Click 'Save'.


💡 When adding a relationship you can also set a quantity. 

ℹ️ You can add up to 300 products as a relationship at a time. 


Editing through Find and Replace

To edit through "Find & Replace":

1. Click on "Find & Replace"

2. Select the attribute you want to edit

3. Click 'Match case' if you want to only replace values with the same upper and lowercase characters as your target.

4. Under "Find," type the text you want to find

5. Under "Replace with," type the text you want to replace it with

6. Click 'Replace all'




ℹ️ Only text attributes (short text, paragraph, and label) can be edited with the "find and replace" action.


What's next?

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