Exporting Product Data

How to quickly export product data in CSV, XLSX or PDF format from the Product Overview in Plytix

Product information can be downloaded directly from the 'All Products' screen in a few different formats. Assets can also be downloaded as image files. This article offers step-by-step instructions for each process.

Starting an Export

Exporting Spreadsheets (CSV and XLSX)

Exporting Assets

Exporting in PDF


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Starting an Export

To start your export, go to the Product Overview and select the products you want to export. The 'Export' button will appear at the top. 


Options for 'CSV', 'XLSX', 'PDF', and 'Assets' will appear. Choose the format in which you would like to export. 


⚠️ If you are exporting special characters in your files, the settings of your spreadsheet reader may impact the formatting of those special characters. We recommend checking the settings of the tool you are using to open your files to ensure the accurate format. 

Exporting Spreadsheets (CSV & XLSX)

A CSV is a comma separated values formatted spreadsheet, while XLSX is formatted in Excel. The process to export these is the same. 

  1. From the export menu, select the 'CSV' or 'XLSX' option.
  2. An attribute selection will appear. All the attributes you have in your table columns will appear automatically. You can add or remove all available attributes and rearrange their order by dragging and dropping.


ℹ️ You may also choose to download the assets associated with your products by checking the 'Download linked assets' checkbox.

3.    Click the purple 'Export' button.

Depending on the size of your files, your export may download directly in the browser. In the event that it is too large, you will see a popup that says your export is in progress. 

4. You will receive an email with your file attached for download.

💡 A history of your exports is available in the Export Logs area. 


Exporting Assets

Downloading product assets from the Product Overview will result in a set of files packaged into a ZIP folder. To do this: 

  1. From the export menu, select the 'Assets' option.


2. Name your file and choose media attributes you would like to download into the folder. You can also search for the System Attribute "Files" to get all related files.

3. Click the purple 'Export' button.


Depending on the size of your files, your export may download directly in the browser. In the event that it is too large, you will see a popup that says your export is in progress.

4.     You will receive an email with your file attached for download.

Your exports are also available in the Export Logs area. 

Exporting in PDF

To learn how to export products in PDF format, check out this article in our Help Center!


What's Next


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