Defining Output Format For CSV and XLSX Channels

How to configure the output format of a CSV or XLSX feed

Depending on where you're sending your feed to, you may need to configure the output to match feed requirements. In the "Format" tab of your channel, you can configure the label of your attributes, the order in which they're displayed, and whether to include attribute values for product parents, variations, or both. In this article you will learn how to access these different output formatting options. 


Defining the Output Labels of your Attributes

Product Listing

Sorting your Attributes

Choosing Attribute Fill values


💡 Refer to an example feed, if available, of where your channel is being sent to for guidance on how to format your feed.


Defining the Output Labels of your Attributes

There are two ways to change the output labels of your attributes in order to adapt them to the requirements of the channel you are sending your data to:

  1. Manually Changing the Output Labels in the "Attributes" tab
  2. Uploading a CSV template 

Inside a Channel within the "Attributes" tab you are able to manually change the output labels of your attributes to adapt those to the requirements of the channel you are sending it to. 

For this, simply click on the output label you wish to change, edit it and press the "enter button" to adapt the change. 

If you have any template from a specific channel that you need to mirror, you can simply upload a CSV template in order to map the required information from the template with your attributes in the PIM. 

Learn how to upload a CSV template into your Channel in this article. 


Product Listing

Define how to format the output of your channel from the "Format" tab of the channel details page.

Here you can decide in which order your products should be listed: define if you want parents or variations to come first. 




Sorting your Attributes

From the "Attribute sorting" dropdown, you can select from:

  • Manual
  • Alphabetically (A-Z) 
  • Alphabetically (Z-A)

If sorting columns manually, you can drag and drop columns in the order you prefer. If sorting alphabetically, note that they will be sorted alphabetically based on the "output label" defined in the "Attributes" tab of the channel. 




Choosing Attribute Fill Values

You can also choose if you want to include data only for parent products, product variations, or both on an attribute level. You can also define the value separator for attributes that have more than one value - for example, in the case of categories. 




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