Working with Table Views

How to create and manage Table Views to customize what you see in the Product Overview table in Plytix

When you enter your Plytix account, you are taken to the Product Overview Page where you can see your products in a table. You can select up to 40 attribute columns to show in the Product Overview Table by defining a Table View. This article will teach you how to create, customize, load, and manage your Table Views.


ℹ️  The first column in your table will always contain the product SKU. You can choose up to 40 additional attribute columns to include in your table. 


Creating Table Views

Loading Table Views

Managing Table Views


Creating Table Views

Creating Table Views gives you a quick way of viewing a set of information you need about products. You can create different views for marketing content, logistics data, data enrichment, you name it. 


Selecting Attributes

Freezing Columns

Changing Column Width

Saving Table Views

Selecting Attributes 


To create a Table View, you should first select the attributes in your table:

  1. From the product overview click on "Edit columns" to customize your table. 

  2. Under available attributes, select the attributes you want to view in your table.
  3. Under selected attributes click and drag an attribute to change the view order or remove the ones you don't want in your table. 
  4. Click "Save columns".


ℹ️ Note that if you are using Product Families, you will be shown the attributes that are included in the family you have selected. If you wish to see all attributes, toggle off the option "Show attributes only from (family name)".


Freezing Columns

If you want to make sure that some of your columns stick to your view when moving around your table view, you can freeze up to 3 columns at a time. 



Once you have frozen your columns, these will get separated via a vertical line from the rest of the columns. 


You can change the order of the columns by simply dragging and dropping them just as you know it from an Excel-sheet.

Changing Column Width 

To make the most out of your table view and slice and dice the data the way you want, you can also adapt the column width to display as much information as possible at one glance.

For this you can simply drag the column width to your liking, just like you know it from an excel sheet. 


💡 To navigate through your Table View you can simply use keyboard shortcuts just like you know it from when using a spreadsheet. 

⚠️ The column width cannot be adjusted for Boolean, Media Gallery, Media Single, HTML, Completeness, and Date attribute types. 


Saving Table Views

Once you have edited to columns to your liking you can save your Table View


  1. On the product overview page, click on the "Save view" icon on the bottom left corner.


  2. Choose if you want to update an existing view or create a new one

  3. Choose the table view you want to update from the dropdown or name the new Table View.

  4. Click "Save view". 

Your Table View is now saved and you can return to load it whenever you'd like. 


ℹ️  You can also create a Table View from settings. To learn how to do this, scroll down to the "managing table views" section of this article. 

Loading Table Views


To load a Table View: 

1. Click on "unsaved view" in the bottom left corner of the product overview page.

2. Choose the table view you would like to load from the dropdown that appears 

3. Once selected, the chosen table view will get immediately displayed 

You will see the name of the table view that is currently displayed and you can switch at any time between different views. 

save-view (2)

The columns set in the Table View you've chosen will now appear in the product overview table. 


Managing Table Views

You can also manage your Table Views from the "settings" tab. 


To do this: 

  1. Go to the navigation menu and click "Settings"
  2. On the left side menu, click on "Product table views"


You will see an overview of all your Table Views. From here you can:

  1. Create a Table View by clicking on the "+ Create view" button. 
  2. View or edit attributes on a Table View by clicking on its name.
  3. Delete Table Views by selecting the checkmark next to the Table View name and click on the "delete" button. 


ℹ️  For more details on managing Table Views from the Settings Tab, check out our article on how to create and manage product table views


What's Next? 


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