Assigning Products to Categories

How to keep your products organized by assigning them to categories

Creating a product taxonomy does more than just keep your products organized. It makes your products more searchable and thus easier for your clients to find. In Plytix, you can assign products to as many categories as you'd like, optimizing them for every channel.


ℹ️ This article explains how to assign categories to a product. Check out how to create and manage product categories


Assigning Categories Upon Import

Assigning Categories from the Product Overview Page

Assigning Categories from the Product Detail Page


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Assigning Categories Upon Import

When you import a spreadsheet, you can include a column reflecting the category hierarchies you want your products to have. 


ℹ️ If these categories don't yet exist in your Plytix account, then the system will create them on import. If the categories exist in your account, then by importing you can assign, edit, or remove them from a product.


To do this: 

1. Include a SKU column.

2. Include a column called "Categories" in your spreadsheet. This will ensure that it is automatically matched to the Plytix system attribute.

3. In the "Category" column, format your categories including a hierarchy separator as well as a multi-value separator.

4. Follow the steps to import a spreadsheet.

importing categories


⚠️ Keep all the categories for a product in one cell and in the same row as the product.


ℹ️  The category and multivalue separators shown in the illustration are the ones set on default, however, these can be defined by you. 


Assigning Categories from the Product Overview Page

From the "All products" page, you can assign categories to products in bulk. 


  1. Select the products you want to edit
  2. Click "Edit"


  3. Select "Categories
  4. Select the action you want to perform
  5. Select the categories
  6. Click "Save"



Assigning Categories from the Product Detail Page

You can also create categories and assign products to categories straight from your Plytix account.


To do this:

  1. Navigate to a product by clicking on its SKU from the product overview table.
  2. Click on the "Categories" tab.
  3. Select the branch of each category you want your product to fall under. 
  4. Review and/or save your changes. 

categories-product-detail (1)

Categories your product falls under will appear to the right, in the "Selected categories" section. 

💡 Drag and drop categories in your "Selected categories" section to choose how your product categories will be displayed in your outputs. 


ℹ️  Products can belong to multiple categories. 


What's next? 

If you have any questions just click on the chat box in the bottom-right corner and we'll be happy to answer them...


and please let us know 👇